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Gastronomic tourism / Food

Gastronomic tourism is a type of tourism, the main purpose of which is acquaintance with a particular country / region through the prism of local national traditions. Gastronomic tourism can be characterized as the desire of people for unique and memorable food and drink experiences. Gastronomic tourism is designed, first of all, for those who like to explore new places and get two pleasures in one travel package: both the journey itself and the acquaintance with new food and drinks. Gastronomic tours and excursions, food and drink events, culinary contests and competitions - all this gives the tourist the opportunity to visit new places and get acquainted with examples of local or regional cuisine. Whether the trip includes the opportunity to learn new tastes and cooking methods, whether to attend tastings of local food, wine and beer - all this will diversify the usual tourist route and add additional adventures to the tourist.

In the meantime, there is no need to worry about it. ”

The most delicious dumplings and dumplings can be tasted only in the Poltava region! It is here that they are steamed and, as N.V. described them. Gogol they are huge here! If you like not only excursions, but also delicious food, you have definitely come to the right place! We will compose and conduct a DELICIOUS gastronomic tour for you in Poltava region! Tasting borscht, but we have more than 100 types of it! Tasting and ethnographic master class on making "Poltava dumplings", craft Poltava beer, mead, glorious Poltava liqueurs! And why they are not made in the Poltava region and robin, and plum, sea buckthorn, horseradish, etc. If you wish, we can visit the only in Ukraine "Museum of Beer and Moonshine" to learn the most sacred secrets of making a hoppy drink. Unique exhibits of moonshine and brewing are waiting for you! And at the end of the excursion - beer tasting, moonshine with real Ukrainian bacon and delicious pickles! In the Poltava region, the "Museum of Oil (Museum of Olya)" is open for you. And what is the Poltava lard and smoked products of its own production worth? After all, one of the varieties of Poltava bacon is called "Currency"! You can taste all this both in ancient Poltava and on farms near Dikanka, Oposhnya, V. Sorochintsy. It's delicious with us :-)

In the meantime, there is no need to worry about it. ”

In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

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We ourselves love to travel, we know and understand what tourists need not by hearsay! Our guides are real fans, they live for travel! Poltava region, history, traditions, culture of the native land is not an empty phrase for us! If you love the business you are doing, then you do it well with your soul! Hundreds of reviews speak better than any of our words! We look forward to meeting you!

We wish you a pleasant stay and only positive emotions!

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© 2018 "Only two things we will regret in old age - that we loved little and traveled little." Mark Twain

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