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Let us try zakohati

You to Poltava region!

Help excursion is not a lecture, but a guide to help the team in the same time. Abi, it’s good, it’s necessary to eliminate it yourself. For our guides, the excursion is not about a robot, but the hobbies' love is the price of meeting people from different places of the country, the opportunity to show our land, send us a message about one of the best. Finding a wine city for us is a great pleasure to see tourists as they turn to us from the rock to the river turn a new straight forward!
My deisno love my native place Poltava, I vvazhayu yogo one of the best in Ukraine and I want to better represent him to everyone I want.
We are very much loved to rise in price by Ukraine, so it’s in Zakordon, during excursions, it’s shared with colleagues, because it’s nicely reasonably important for our customers. For us, there are no non-local places of land. For the first time, it is possible to take the most awesome excursions with the most wonderful and, for the first time, I would like to see such a small region in Poltava region. We are in for an hour of excursion and show us everything we wanted not to finish the tour for 7 days!
Mi miraculously spilkuєmosya Ukrainian, Russian, English and nimetska with synchronous shifting.

Памятник Славы в Полтаве. Золотой орел стал символом города Полтавы. Самый старый памятник  в Украине!
viptalisman_81690 (4)
полтавські галушки
viptalisman_81690 (1)
Краезнавчий музей Полтава
Полтавська битва 1709
хата Івана Котляревського
viptalisman_81690 (11)
viptalisman_81690 (17)
viptalisman_81690 (22)
viptalisman_81690 (6)
екскурсовод Полтава
viptalisman_81690 (7)
viptalisman_81690 (29)
полтавська галушка
ту 160 полтава
Полтава гид
Николаевская церква диканька
гетьман Мазепа
Белая беседка Полтава
гид Полтава
Ekskursii v Poltave dlya detey i shkol'n
екскурсовод Полтава
СБУ України колись КГБ СССР  ще раніше С
Сорочинський ярмарок
экскурсия Сороченський ярмарок
Сороченський ярмарок 2018
musei gogolja
Котляревський Енеїда
гоголь экскурсия
Полтавская битва
Біла альтанка Белая беседка Полтава тур экскурсии гид
Полтава зимой экскурсия 2
В Сороченці
садиба Котляревського
Успенский собор  на старой открытке
Великі Сороченці
орел центр Полтавы
Полтава тур екскурсии - копия
українська кухня борщ з пампушками
фото Полтава
батурин 2021
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We ourselves love to travel, we know and understand what tourists need not by hearsay! Our guides are real fans, they live for travel! Poltava region, history, traditions, culture of the native land is not an empty phrase for us! If you love the business you are doing, then you do it well with your soul! Hundreds of reviews speak better than any of our words! We look forward to meeting you!

We wish you a pleasant stay and only positive emotions!

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© 2018 "Only two things we will regret in old age - that we loved little and traveled little." Mark Twain

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